Gay-Straight Alliance at Inver Hills

**Outfront Minnesota: Minnesota's Leading GLBT Organization
The GLBT Campus Alliance is a community-building project of OutFront Minnesota. The goal of the GLBT Campus Alliance is to connect and build community among private universities, Minnesota State Colleges & Universities (MnSCU), and University of Minnesota GLBTA groups. We hope that the Alliance will help GLBT supportive organizations to connect and to share resources. We welcome you to submit contact information about your GLBT supportive campus group to this listing.
Check it out:
**The National Gay Lesbian Task Force
The National Gay Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) calls the current Bush-Cheney administration "the most anti-gay in the history of the gay rights movement."
Visit the Task Force web site for information on the Bush administration's stance on GLBT issues at National Gay Lesbian Task Force.
For more info on GLBT issues nationally, visit NGLTF Election Center:NGLTF Election Center.
**Lyric Talkline
The LYRIC Youth Talkline is one of the nation's only peer-run support lines for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth 23 and younger. You can call and talk about anything that's on your mind. The line is 100% free, safe and confidential. Call 1 (800) 246 PRIDE between 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM, Monday through Saturday. If you are hearing impaired please call our TDD line (415) 431-8812 during those same hours. Emailing us is another way to receive information and support at talkline@lyric.org. 24-hours a day you can call the LYRIC Youth Infoline. Prerecorded information lets callers know about activities, crisis numbers, coming out stories, activities at LYRIC and even seasonal horoscopes! Just call the Talkline outside of our normal operating hours. 1 (800) 246 PRIDE (7743)
**Straight Spouse Network
Here is the Mission Statement for this site:
It is estimated that up to two million gay, lesbian, or bisexual individuals have ever married or will marry. Some come out after a long struggle of trying to make a go of the heterosexual marriage that society prefers. Others have yet to disclose. Still others may stay closeted. When they come out, attention focuses on them. Their heterosexual spouses are largely forgotten. Family members and friends minimize the straight spouses' concerns. Few therapists understand their unique issues of sexual rejection, betrayal, and identity crisis. So, spouses cope alone, their anger and pain escalating. Once they find peer support in SSN, they resolve their profound issues constructively.
Professionals and the wider community need to become more aware of the impact on spouses and family members when a partner comes out. Addressing their unique needs will lessen isolation, aid healing, and increase understanding of everyone involved.
For more information: Straight Spouse Network
**Grants for Gay-Positive Arts Projects
The Board of Directors of The Arch and Bruce Brown Foundation announce a writing competition for the Foundation's 2004 writing grants.
Submissions may include short stories, one-act plays or short film or video projects. All works must present the gay and lesbian lifestyle in a positive manner and be based on, or directly inspired by, a historic person or event. One work per author. All works must be unpublished,original, and in English. Adaptations or translations of other works of fiction are not acceptable. The winners selected by the judges will be announced in Spring 2005 at the Annual Lambda Literary Awards and will receive a cash award of $1,000. (Not limited to a single winner.)
Visit the Web site at Arch and Bruce Brown Foundation
**Scholarship Information
The Minnesota GLBT Educational Fund maintains a Web page at MN GLBT Educational Fund that lists known scholarship programs for GLBT students or for children of GLBT families.
**Interview with John Kerry: "In Our Corner"
Lisa Keen, a journalist for Lavender Magazine, conducted this interview with John Kerry while he was at a campaign stop in Des Moines, Iowa.
**GLBT Press
This is a bi-weekly online newspaper for the Twin Cities Gay/Lesbian Community. Readership is free, although subscription donations are appreciated.
The Laramie Project Archives
This archive republishes 17 New York Times articles about the murder of Matthew Shepard, who was beaten to death in Laramie, Wyoming, in 1998, as well as the trial of his two assailants and the nationwide debate about hate-crimes legislation that it provoked.
The Laramie Project dramatizes the impact of the murder on Laramie, Wyo., and its residents.
I think Inver Hills is very homophobic, especially the faculty, although they do not seem very comfortable with their heterosexuality either. All but a few seem dead from the neck down. So am I surprised about the campus attitude toward sexual "outsiders." No.
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM
online mortgage
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM
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